Maglev Haptic Demos
Several interesting and fun demonstration programs have been created which highlight the characteristics of the maglev haptic systems. Owners and users of Butterfly Haptics systems may download these demos from the Magnetic Levitation Haptic Consortium web site.
Petting the Bunny
There is a 3D model of a bunny rabbit which has a surface representation with about 70,000 triangles. The user controls a point glyph which can touch the surface as long as it is within a box. Pressing the left mouse button allows the user to translate and rotate the model to bring a desired part into the box.
Cube in Cube
There is a cube inside a transparent cubical box. The user can translate and rotate the inner box while feeling corner, edge, and face contact with the outer box. In this demo, rotation is limited to roughly plus or minus 10 degrees.
Dithered Cone Textures
The user has a spherical probe to interact with a texture field composed of truncated cones. Sphere diameter, cone spacing, angle, randomness, stiffness, and other parameters are adjustable by means of slider controls.
Two-Person Ice Hockey
In this game, users play a game of ice hockey over the network while feeling realistic impact forces with the puck. Optional web cams show the thrill of victory (or else the agony of defeat)!
Sine Wave Textures
The user has a sharp probe for interacting with three different sine wave textures as well as a smooth frictionless area. Impact dynamics are also simulated.
Pipe Demo
The user attempt to move a disk through a series of curved "pipes" without touching the walls. This demo is part of a research project to understand hand tremor vs. workspace sizes.
Two Handed Playground
This demo is a 3D playground of blocks and other shapes that can be manipulated with both hands using a pair of maglev haptic devices. Realistic weights, inertias, and friction are simulated using the NVIDIA PhysX software.
Matlab Real Time Plotting
The internal state of the haptic system is plotted in real time using Matlab&trade software to interact with the maglev haptic API.
Motion Demo
In addition to haptics, the maglev haptic device is a superb generator of smooth motions, as illustrated in this demo with sine wave profiles output to each of the 6 degrees of freedom.