Butterfly Haptics, LLC

Butterfly Haptics is a limited liability company with headquarters in Pittsburgh, PA. Our business is supplying high-performance haptic interface systems for use in research, development, and the creation of advanced applications. Butterfly Haptics partners with a worldwide network of quality manufacturing services and suppliers.

Beth Hollis, President

Beth has a background in accounting systems and office management as well as experience working with technical and scientific equipment for companies manufacturing electronic traffic control systems and educational audiovisual materials. She has served as president of her local branch of the American Association of University Women, advocating educational gender equity and encouraging young women to pursue careers in science and mathematics.

Ralph Hollis

Ralph is Research Professor at Carnegie Mellon University and developer of the alpha- and beta-prototype magnetic levitation interfaces. He has broad experience in both industry and academia and serves as engineering and manufacturing consultant to the Butterfly Haptics team.

Contact us

Butterfly Haptics, LLC
info (adt) butterflyhaptics (dawt) com