Butterfly Haptics News (2009)
- December 15, 2009: New handle connector option
We are pleased to announce the availability of an inexpensive kit which allows
users to easily develop custom handles for the Maglev 200™ system. Please see the
Products/System page for details.
- October 11-15, 2009: IROS in St. Louis, MO
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2009) was held in
St. Louis this year. We had a great time showing off the Maglev 200™ and discussing
research issues with many attendies. We have been shipping systems to our U.S.
customers since spring.
- March 18-20, 2009: World Haptics Conference in Salt Lake City, UT
We had a great time at World Haptics seeing many old friends and making new ones.
Our exhibit garnered a lot of interest, especially from researchers in Europe and
Asia. We got to see our system installed at the University of Utah, where it is being
used to produce precise forces on the fingertip for physiological measurements.